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Well detailed and effective words put into sentences that are described connectively



“Bye.” Felicia breathed out before life had escaped from her. 
Felicia, the only one who truly understood me, the only one who genuinely enjoyed my company, died. 

I remember whenever I talked about life’s matters, her eyes would widen whenever I discussed about my prodigious student, Karlito The First for their innovations in the elixir industry. I remember when I revealed that Karlito created a brew that allowed people to fly, she responded with her eyes wide and a loud gasp. She didn’t have to react with such emotion when I explained things, but she did. [...]"

This one was definitely based one word choices as well. Except for this one, it was an individual assignment and the pictures were already chosen. This gives the reader to have a deeper insight of what's within the picture. I made sure to make the words really effective and simple to understand and visualize.


      "There they were, right before my eyes. One Direction standing just upon my reach. Rising up from the podium as the spotlight slowly increased it's opacity on them. The crowd's volume went up to a roar. And just within a few seconds, music began to play and the crowd's scream got even louder. It was unconceivable to see them no longer from a screen, but in real life. I started tearing up, I just couldn't believe and accept that this moment is actually happening. â€‹


       I walked downstairs into the living room and the first thing I saw was my grandma pointing a gun directly at me. I was startled of course, but more surprised at the fact that it's my grandma grasping it. Turns out my grandpa had found this in his storage box in the basement and brought it out in the living room for my grandma to check out. [...]"

This assignment was basically revolved around describing things descriptively. My partner (Kari) and I picked these photos and made a story that made sense along with it. We mainly focused on creating the scene that was in the picture very explicit as if it was really what happened behind the picture.

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