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Sentence that flow nicely together that connects and relates to each other; Not abrupt or cut off in anyway



      "Dear Apple’s Administration,
I really have enjoyed the products that has been released over the years. It’s quite evident that there’s a vast amount of knowledge of good usability, consistency, and evolving your products into something always new, fresh, and exciting to look forward to.
However, there was always the same problem with each model and product I had that was never really changed, fixed, or looked upon. Though Apple generally makes good quality products, but every Apple cable I’ve owned (earphones, laptop and phone charger) has torn in some way and usually within a number of months. It always tends to pull apart near the connectors and fray the wires. It’s also quite the hassle when the charger is in the condition where the cord has to be moved into certain position just for it to actually charge. And worst things worst, when it actually breaks and having to invest in buying a new one, which also doesn’t only happen once, but multiple times. [...]"

Since this was a song, it was really important for it to flow properly and not seem off in anyway. The structure of it was pretty simple, there wasn't much thought because the main focus was to use the vocabulary words and make it make sense. But it does vary from long short and simple, some even complex. It was definitely a matter of fluency throughout the whole song.



The clouds are grey

The skies are somber

It’s another day

In late December

Vociferous voices loud and clear

Singing so high the arctic can hear

Church singers of voluminous numbers,

Waking everyone from their slumbers


The renegades executed, his crimes reprehensible

Failed to implicate his allies, for the crimes he is responsible

To obviate the coals from Santa, they try to fix their action as their reaction



Come on and Get out of that somber mood

Cuz its Christmas dude

And We’re tryna make amends 


Sentence fluency was a big factor for this assignment. I wasn't just writing an essay or a personal experience. I was writing a complaint, something I felt that needed to be fixed or improved. I had to make sure it didn't just sound like I'm a cranky customer who can't deal with what she has, I made sure that I enhanced my words and structured it well.

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