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Shows the sound of the writer and gives off their personality through the words



       "There’s nothing in the world that can trouble you as much as other people’s thoughts and opinions. Before making any decision, asking others to confirm my decision gave me more certitude that “no, you’re not making a really dumb choice” and that whatever I chose to do would not upset anyone. But what I never realized was that I was basically setting myself up for making decisions based on peer pressure.  It’s habitual to listen to your family members, parents, and teachers. But my older sister have always been the person I mainly obeyed. But I realized it was always her who would choose the opposite side, which would constantly make me overthink and hesitate on most of my decisions, causing me to do things that could or could not have done. [...]"


This essay is very similar to my "Coming of Age" essay, mainly because they're both based on the same story. The only difference is that I mainly focused on the problem I had with myself, and I also brought up people who helped me along the way. Other than that, it definitely shows my personality and conviction.

        "Confidence. I’ve always thought people with confidence were absolutely blessed, actually I adored the gift that they were born with such a personality. Everyone loves confident people. Confidence helps you make friends. Confidence helps you independently. Confidence helps you pass that interview for the one job you applied for. When it comes to the trait, one thing is certain: truly confident people always have the upper hand over the doubtful and the skittish, because they inspire others and they make things happen. It took a while for me to break into that shell and recognize who I want to become. It consisted of various occurrences like not making decisions for myself without other’s output, regretting not going to certain events, missing the chance to be on the tennis team and many other related happenings that I can’t exactly recall. But from then on, these events made me stop and realize that I could improve my own life to turn into what I want it to be. [...]"

My "Coming of Age" essay is the one essay that has 100% my voice and words. The one essay that came completely from my mind and not through any research or evidence through the internet. This essay was not only a "lesson learned" type of essay, but also a story that I keep in mind for future references. This was a topic I truly cared about and felt like I was writing to the reader, not just filling up space.

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